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Policy statement: Cell-cultured meat products
AEBR 326 Cyclone impacts on fisheries
Aging 'non-forest' to 'forest' transition of gorse and broom – Final Summary paper
The effect of climate change on New Zealand's planted forests: impacts, risks and opportunities
Forest and forest land valuation: How to value forests and forest land to include carbon costs and benefits
Effects of climate change on current and potential biosecurity pests and diseases in New Zealand
Soil methanotrophs - a novel methane mitigation technology?
Information, Decision and Action: The Factors that Determine Farmers Environmental Decision-making
Study on global voluntary carbon market opportunities for New Zealand agriculture and forestry
Carbon accounting: Forest growth rates and changing climates
Impact of the ETS on forest management
Tomorrow’s pastures: Subtropical grass growth under climate change
Impacts of climate change on rural water infrastructure
Possible impacts of climate change on biocontrol systems in New Zealand
Improved Field Facilities to Study Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations in Pasture
Enhanced modelling capability to conduct climate change impact assessments